Thursday, May 17, 2007



  1. The war began in July of 1950 because the communist leader from North Korea and some Soviets entered the South Korea which the US controlled.
  2. The USA got involved in the fight because South Korea had been a Japanese colony during WWII. After the war South Korea was handed over to the USA.
  3. General Douglas MacArthur, former WWII general, served as commander for all of the UN forces. These UN forces were mostly mad up of US soldiers.
  4. MacArthur was very successful in getting the invaders out of South Korea and back into North Korea.
  5. Truman hoped that the fighting would reunite the two Korea's and they moved north beyond the 38th parallel toward the Yalu River. China warned them that if they moved any farther north, China would enter the war.
  6. Mao Zedong saw the UN moving in as a threat on China's security.
  7. China sent out many more warnings to the UN. The UN ignored them and continued pushing North.
  8. On November 25, 1950, China attacked at the Yalu River and then into North Korea. The UN retreated back to South Korea. Truman fired MacArthur because of public Criticism.
  9. In July 1951, There was talk of a Soviet - UN truce. The talks dragged on for 2 years. During that time Eisenhower was elected.
  10. A cease-fire ended the fighting in the war. The territory was close to what it had been before the war.